Monday, August 22, 2016

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.

I started this post yesterday. It wasn't going very well. The intention was to elaborate on how wonderful it was to have the kids home all summer and how wonderful it was that they were going to school. The right words were not available to me. So, I will share some pics of the kids before they got on the bus. You will notice that it is still dark outside. The bus comes at about 6:35. AM. That is very early but we are not even the earliest bus. Thank goodness. Not that I mind getting up but it is hard on the kids. Anyway. Pictures.

We've got a senior, an 8th grader, a 5th grader and a 3rd grader. Getting them corralled for this was an adventure. Hannah did not want to be too close to Joe. Joe wants to touch and hug everybody. A chase was involved. I did manage to snap this pic before chaos began again.

I didn't get individual shots of them all. I think he looks a little manic. He is concerned about 3rd grade. It's a new school. He doesn't much like change. Notice he lost a tooth. That may be one change he is OK with. He also informed me that he slept with his socks and clothes on so all he had to do this morning was put on his shoes.

OH. Look who is a senior this year. She is excited to be done. She decided she wanted to graduate in 2017 instead of 2018. She has been working hard to accomplish that. Still not entirely sure what will happen after graduation. The latest news is that she wants to be a lighting designer.

One more, because who doesn't need to see THIS face in the morning.

Last but not least, the homeschool child. Maybe inspired by her older sister completing 2 years worth of school in one, or maybe because her brother said something stupid to her, she is determined to finish 7th and 8th grade this year. As you can see we're off to a great start. Oh well. She has a lot to do. I think it is OK to let her rest up before she begins.

So there it is. The first day of school. It is an exciting time. I like the peace that is in the home. I like the energy they bring back with them after school. It is a good day.

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