Monday, April 24, 2017

The First Week

First email from the first week in his new area! Also a few pictures that my Brazilian friends have sent.

So you know how like everyone always tells you to be ready at any minute in your mission because you'll just walk in there before the meeting and they'll ask you to give a talk? Well that just happened with me for the first time. We got there, apparently they already had it on the list that an Elder was giving a talk but which one it was wasn't on there. And so I ended up giving a talk. It went pretty well and then afterwards every told me that my talk was awesome and a bit of a tap on the ear. Which i think was perfect. 

But I met up with pretty much all of the youth from Marambaia at a dance that they went to, I looked in there just to see how it was going and they all saw me at once and the next second I was surrounded. It was really good to see them all. Especially Lucas and Victor. It is great that they are really being integrated with the stake and not just the ward. 

But I got to meet the teaching group this week which was cool. We have a lot of awesome people with some really great potential. But That's for the most part it. I just want to say I love you guys and hope that you have a great week. When you see someone in church you don't know, go talk to them.

This shirt was made by one of the members in Marambaia. This is what she said about it:

Comigo é assim, promessa feita, promessa cumprida, o presente do Elder Monzingo já esta pronta. Hoje mesmo o nosso surpe herói chapolin Colorado estará com sua camisa. Em casa sempre um Elder ganha um apelido carinhoso, e o Elder monzingo é o chapolin Colorado.

Google translate:

With me it is like this, promise made, promise fulfilled, the gift of Elder Monzingo is already ready. Today our survivor chapolin Colorado will be wearing his shirt. At home always an Elder gains an affectionate nickname, and the Elder monzingo is the Colorado chapolin.

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