Monday, July 18, 2016

Zone Conference

This is actually last week's letter. I only realized today that I hadn't posted it. Never fear. This week's letter will also be posted.

So I was robbed again. As in someone stole my stuff again. Except this
time it happened in church. cause we went to the zone conference in
Belém and were in the church and stuff and I had a towel and my flip
flop thingies and a change of clothes and shorts in the bag of one of
my missionary roomates and well what happened was that we were there
in the conference and after we had eaten and were talking with other
missionaries someone came in and one of the paris of Sister training
leaders talked to him and gave im pizza and soda and stuff and then he
left and when we left and went to where the bags were they were gone
and there was a pizza and a soda in the spot were said bags were. So
yeah. Fun times. But other than that this week went well. I got to see
a lot of missionaries that I haven´t seen in sometime at this zone
conference it was really pretty cool. Learned a lot too. At least I
hope so. But yeah so that´s it really. For te most part I think. I
love you guys

Daniel and his companion.

Roomates. One is from Brazil. They are not both Americans.

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