Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's Raining Again, But I Still Feel Good

It has been raining, again. It's been raining for weeks. I can't quite remember the last time I saw the sun in a clear blue sky. I don't mind the rain. We need it. I don't mind the slightly cooler temperatures. It is appropriate for the time of year. I do miss the sun. No, I miss the sky. I miss that big, blue Texas sky. The sky that stretches forever. That sky that feels like possibilities.

My eyes miss that sky, but after today I feel that I have a bit of it inside. Today, my oldest son shared his testimony in sacrament meeting. Speaking in front of a crowd, even a friendly one, can be daunting for one of any age. He handled himself so well. He spoke clearly. His testimony was short and simple. Perfect. For just a moment, I was able to imagine that he actually did listen to me from time to time.

I love my family. My children can be so frustrating one moment and then completely delightful the next. They are lovely, lively little people. I always want to do my best for them. I often fall short. I will keep trying and I will keep hoping. Eventually, I will have it all figured out.

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