Sunday, November 19, 2017

He's Home

Daniel has been home for about a week and a half now. It has been nice to have all the children at home even if it is for a short space of time.

When he first walked off the plane it was obvious he was feeling a bit overwhelmed. I'm sure it didn't help to have a mass of siblings and one anxious mom mob him. Add to that a long, overnight flight, cooler weather and a bit of culture shock. He handled all very. Lots of patience. He seems to have grown a bit in that regard.

When we finally got home, he toured the house. He looked into every room. Touched things. Commented on a couple of things that had changed since he left. All the while the siblings orbit around him. Every now and then looking or poking at him. I think just to make sure he is really there. The kids were super excited when Daniel started pulling out the treasures he brought from Brazil. The blow dart guns are a hit.

Every now and then we have to remind him to speak English. I love that he speaks Portuguese so very well. Sometimes I just want to listen to him, however we do need to understand what he is saying.

It is obvious how much he loved the people in Brazil. The other missionaries, the church members, the investigators, all of them. The stories have been trickling in and it is plain that the people are dear to him. Maybe I can convince him to share some of them here.

I'm trying to think of a clever way to finish this. Not feeling very successful right now. I'll just end by saying that it is good to have the boy home.

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