Alright. This week was rather complicatedish. Mostly cause lots of travel. So we for one had our infield training/orientation thing Monday. All the missionaries leaving that week were put together and there were different activities we did as they had us prepare. Then afterwards there were a few pictures taken. Then the next day we all headed out. My companionship meet all of the different people in our district downstairs and helped them with their bags to the place they were supposed to go. Except Elder Lewis cause he left at around 3:40. So yeah. But we arrived in Belém and were met by the mission president, his wife, the assisstants, and the executive and financial secretaries for the mission. We went to one of the church buildings in Belém to meet and open and whatever because the mission presidents home was apparently too small for all of us. Then we got our assignments and ate pizza. The next day we had a training devotional for all missionaries which I think I understood most of but I know i didnt understand all of it. It was broadcasted to us in portuguese. then the next day I left for Óbidos, my area. My companion was in field and its like an hour plane ride to Santarém and a 4 hour boat ride to Óbidos. SO I met him at Santarém. But boat ride, slept in a hmmock, woke up at 2 to get off of said boat, and discovered that my shoulderbag/satchel thingy, was gone. It was there with the rest of my stuff before but poof. So its been stolen or something. Oh well. But Fortunately a lot of the stuff that i thought was in there that I really cared to keep wasnt, except my journal. My journal was in there. Now I dont have it and thats kinda annoying. Fortunately I had the forsight my last p-day in São Paulo to buy another one of the same kinda just a different color for when the first one ran out. So really. All that I lost with that was my writings in the journal about the MTC and stuff, and also my patriarichal blessing was in there. But that also is replaceable as I can order another copy. Everything that was in there I either had a replacement for or have found something that replaces it. Really our Heavenly Father works miracles. My only hope now is that assuming it was taken, since it would have to be, is that whoever took it reads the scriptures that were in that. It would be awesome if I was in Brazil for some reason around this area in a testimony meeting in some amount of years and someone got up and talked about how years ago they stole a bag on a boat that had a book of mormon in it that changed their life. But oh well. Who knows. But for church here in this ward they do meetings in a different order so that was kinda strange at first, it was the exact reverse of what I was used to. Its fairly hot.Really its just texas heat though. Like its pretty much the same. Im surprised that it isnt more humid though. Because the town is literally right next to the Amazon. Although we are a bit of a distance away I think.Not too far though. The only time I saw it was when we were on the river on that boat. Also the chapel is oddly far away I think so at least. Its a ways an all the members are pretty much right around it and the investigators are in the same area as members or farther, just depends on the people. Also I got a hammock. So far it has exactly one use. I bought a fairly decent hammock for 20 rais which is about the equivalent of 5 bucks. But it worked its sturdy and only been used once as of now. Only need to use it specifically when I take those boat trips cause thats where people, myself included, sleep. So yeah. All is good. I think. probably
But thats all for right now. I love all you guys. Have fun.
Also I forgot to mention earlier but apparently according to the member whose house we were at the meat we had for our almoço was macaco which is monkey. So evidently I ate monkey. It didnt taste that bad. So yeah. Random fun fact. Love you all
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