Monday, November 21, 2016

Bright Lights and the...Oh Wait.

Another entry into the saga of our missionary. While we are enjoying a little cold snap in Texas, it is 88 (feels like 97) in Belem.

You know. Sometimes you don't really get just how convenient some things are until they have been snatched out of your reach. They cut the power for our apartment. Apparently other previous missionaries hadn't paid their light bills and whatever and it just so happens that it all ended up falling on us. SOOOO. We went. We paid the bills but unfortunately it should only be today that they are going to turn our lights back on.  Let's hope it all goes through well. But this week we had a big zone conference with the President. Who is somewhere in the middle of this picture. Also Challenge. Find me in the picture. It's like a giant Where's Waldo and i think it might be in a different form than most are expecting, But I'm there. So Good luck. I hope all accept. But it was good. I really liked it. And we started talking to this, like family, they're pretty cool. They were some old investigators that we decided to go back to. They were apparently from all we know going rather well. Not entirely sure what happened that they stopped visiting. But maybe whatever it is we can fix it. So Yeah. But I love you guys. 

Did you find him? I'll give you a clue. He's wearing a suit. He didn't take a suit with him. Of course I had to ask him where he got the suit.

Elder Green. The guy who was here before me in the area, had 2 and left one of them in the area. It's a bit long in the sleeves and his pants are 36x32 but other than that it fits fine. 

Monday, November 14, 2016


The picture commentary is the best. Love that boy! 

So I was needing some socks right. Cause my others were wearing out. i asked my family about it and they were ok, we will send socks. I now have 3 new socks. Because my family decided it would be a good idea to send the socks 1 at a time in different letters. I got a matching pair at least. And seeing as how they are getting here and we have a meeting this week I rather expect that I will get a lot of socks this week in like 20 different letters. So in homage to a great guy, he always tried to help people(even though his efforts were somewhat misguided at times) I took a few pictures. So yeah. Pictures below. Enjoy. I did. But the week went well. My companion started off with the whole worm thing but it's all good now. He's feeling a lot better. So this coming week should really be even better than the last. But yeah. I love you guys. Have an amazing week


ALSO I just found out it's International Bible day. So HAPPY BIBLE DAY!!!!!! We like the Bible. It's great. Usually. and yeah. So read your Bibles. 

If you are now thinking you should send this cheeky monkey a sock, his address is:
Elder Daniel Monzingo
Av. Nazaré, 532 Sala 412 4º Andar
Nazaré Royal Trade Center
66035-135 Belém - PA

Monday, November 7, 2016

Fun in the Hospital

The boy is not in the hospital. He is fine. His companion, however, was having some issues. In other news, he was made district leader, received one sock in the mail and was accepted to BYU.

So. Saturday I went to the hospital. Then we went back. At like 2:30 in the morning cause there were these really big waves of pain. So we took some blood tests, there was a pee test as well, and they gave us meds to treat what we are all pretty sure of. My companion has worms. he says it's not very fun and that he feels like crap. But up until now with the whole worms thing he's a pretty cool guy. Like I said last week (I think) he's from Texas. But he isn't having fun at all with the whole worms thing. And like we stayed home pretty much all day yesterday. So Like. hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday it's all good. He is really a hard worker though. He is doing a lot the time that he feels good to really work. Teach the people, find the people, all that stuff. This week taking out the works was cool. Our Bishop was President Stasevskas' first counselor until he got called as a Bishop. He is waaaayyyy excited to be doing all this missionary work in the ward. So I'm pretty excited to be working here. I feel like this place is about to explode with all the stuff. They are really focused on working together with the members and everything. But i am rather happy with this. This is gonna be rather fun I think. So lets enjoy the ride. I love you guys.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


OK. Good news. Elder Monzingo did not get eaten by crocodiles, piranhas or large snakes. He was transferred to a new area and couldn't send his usual email yesterday.  Here is the latest from him.

SO I'm a little late. I think. I sort of kind of got transferred and didn't really get to do anything yesterday. Now I am in Marambaia, it's a neighborhood here in Belém. But My Companion is surprisingly enough from Texas. Elder Gann. He's from Pilot Point. That was a bit of a surprise but it should be fun. As displayed there is a giant Texas flag on our wall that he has. I'm fairly happy with that. 

But this week before the transfer I got to baptize Breno. He's going to church for a while. It was really cool. He invited a friend to the baptism and the same guy and another one to church the next day. That was really cool. But I'm gonna miss Bragança. That was an awesome place. I hope that I get to go back someday. It would be really cool to be able to do so. But yeah. I love you guys.